

Hoek Consultant provides customised a relational approach on supervision for individuals and groups. Our Ashridge accredited Supervisors (Ashridge Diploma in Organisational Supervision) facilitate supervision for Executive Coaches and Organisation Development Consultants. Additionally, an organisation can provide supervision for specific groups. For example, Professors within a University or Executives like HR Directors.

Like coaching, supervision is a powerful tool to improve personal qualities. It aims at consciously learning to use a professional methodology and helps to expand and keep professionalism up to date. The self-learning capacity of the participant in supervision develops by reflecting on situations they encounter in their work. It is not about the problem of these situations, but how the participant deals with it. Supervision pays attention to the context and organisational influences, which sometimes go unnoticed. 

The quality of the supervisie depends on the quality of the reflection on one’s work. Supervision offers regular reflection moments, and a partner to mirror, feedback, broaden and deepen reflection. Regular supervision is therefore the best assurance of quality for advisors, supervisors and coaches – and supervisors themselves. 

Supervision has three main functions: 

(1) Developing (formative): through careful observation, supervision helps to maintain an objective, fresh view of one’s case studies and practice. 

(2) Gatekeeping (normative): by communicating frankly and sharply where possible conflicts with other parties or professional ethics may arise, supervision helps to remain alert to one’s responsibility towards clients and professional ethics.

(3) Nursing (restorative): by intervening with care, support and encouragement, supervision helps to approach one’s practice more evenly and with more energy.

Source: Supervision in action – A relational approach to Coaching and Consulting Supervision, Erik de Haan

Our supervisors comply with the Ashridge Code of Conduct for Supervisors


drs. Frans Hoek MBA

Managing Partner

Gea Hoek BEd MSc


Sarah Makkink
