Process improvement, cost savings and automation are important themes that the COO or Operations Director encounters in their profession. In recent years, these themes have grown in importance, because the field of work has become increasingly complex. The speed of change leads to a need for continuous innovation and rapid improvement combined with long term vision. Supply chain issues are increasingly important, resulting in the COO or Operations Director having to be effective in a complex field of stakeholders.
The Chief Operating Officer (COO) or Operations Director is responsible for the primary processes in the organisation. Due to continuous change, this responsibility includes both the optimisation and innovation of processes and the execution and stability of these processes during change. With responsibility for primary processes comes responsibility for the majority of the workforce. Therefore leading, inspiring, coaching, and guiding are vital skills for a COO or Operations Director.
Selecting a COO or Operations Director is a significant choice. One that helps determine the future of your company. We believe a successful match goes beyond having the required experience and competencies. That is why we look at organisations and candidates from a different perspective. We truly believe listening is vital. Because: we value the art of active observation and keen listening.